

Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Welcome to where the Tundra meets the Tropics

This blog has been created for a class.  I figured I would use it to showcase some of my the exotic animals that I keep in my home in Alaska.  Nearly all of the critters I keep come from the tropics around the world, the Amazon Basin, the Malaysian Archipelago, the sub-Continent of India and even the savannas of Africa. So to begin let me put a picture or two of my collection of micro-environments I put together for my animals to give them as close to a natural environment as one can give them.  TO all the PETA hippie losers who may happen upon this site, ALL of my animals are captive born from several generations of captive parents so spare me the "raping of the wild" speeches.

Over the next few weeks, I will highlight each of the species I keep and give brief natural history run downs or neat facts about them along with pictures of each that I have taken.