

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Getting that Natty-Light, and I don't mean cheap beer....

     We are in yearly the bridge between Winters up here in Alaska.  The rest of the country refers to that as Spring, Summer, and Fall.  Up here its more of a shortened combination season.  Be that as it may, the sun and temps are perfect for bringing the tortoises and turtle outside to soak up some natural UV light.  The tortoises produce vitamin D3 when exposed to UV spectrums of light which helps them synthesize calcium.  Most of the year I use supplements to provide the vitamin D and full spectrum bulbs to simulate the UV waves.

     I can't build permanent outdoor enclosures for several reasons.  The night time temps are too low and I haven't enough backyard space to install a greenhouse.  I have a huge front yard but HOA rules prevent me from making adequate tortoise pens. There is also the native wildlife to consider.

     While there are no raccoons up here to make off with the smaller tortoises, we do have foxes, bears, and ravens that would happily make a meal out of all but the biggest tortoise.  Also, moose wander through our yard routinely.  While they would not eat the tortoises, if a moose were to step on any one of the tortoises, large or small, I'd have at the least a cracked shell to deal with or, more likely, a smushed former-tortoise.

     Pictured below is my solution to get a few hours of daily natural light for the tort-herd.

To corral the smaller tortoises I bought non-permanent raised plant bed walls from Sam's Club. I can set these up and take them down in less than 3 minutes.  

The Indian Star Tortoises, Rigel(closer) and Andromeda, exploring their outdoor playpen before chowing down on the clover fields.

The Redfoot Tortoises, Harambe(bigger bumpier one) and Sauron, greeting each other than off exploring while the wife watches the smaller walled-in tortoises in the herd.

Pi the Pancake Turtle reveling in the warm rays and munching down on the sweet clovers
Separated in nature by an ocean and two continents, here in my yard a mere 8" wall between Jones the Eastern Box Turtle and Rigel the Star Tortoise.

Tiffany's eyes sparkle much like her name-sake's jewelry lines.

Tiffany trying to make a break for it while Jones looks on.

The young Leopard Tortoises out enjoying some real sun and fresh clovers. Valentine is off by herself.  Eclipse is at the top, Multi-Scute is the center-most, and Contrast on the right has the large white new growth portions.
Valentine(above) and Multi-Scute eating the natural weeds in the lawn.

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